I pop dotted the arrow and the "notes" tab. No other embellishing was needed because they were already FULL of glitter! I *heart* glitter by the way...

More of my pretty paper flowers...these are so easy and so much fun to make. They just add so much to a page I think.

This is the finished layout. The design is from Liz Qualman's blog. This is such a great layout I figured it would be a perfect way to start my blog.
The paper I used is a stack I picked up at Michael's last month called Grandma's Kitchen by We R Memory Keepers (and I used my 40% off coupon-of course!). The rhinestones are ones found in the dollar bin at Michael's as well. The blue shape at the bottom was cut from the Hannah Montana Cricut cartridge. That cart is a must have no matter you are a Hannah fan or not. It's got some really beautiful shapes on there. The green strip of paper I ran through my Fiskars paper trimmer (that tool is soooo cool! I didn't know I "needed" it until I saw it mentioned on the Cricut messageboards-haha!).
Thanks so much for looking. I'm hoping to really get into this whole blogging thing so that I can keep my motivation to scrap going at full throttle! Have a good one :)